Comparison of Space Frame Systems and Steel Truss (Conventional Steel) Systems

Comparison of Space Frame Systems and Steel Truss (Conventional Steel) Systems

It has been scientifically proven that space systems are the most economical system in large span buildings. It will be wise to divide the unit sqm weight difference analysis into two groups:

1- Comparison of steel behavior between space frame system and conventional system in unidirectional spans.

The weight of steel used in different openings, while the inter-column spans (L) are variable, raises with the increase of span width, as can be seen in the table below. In this table, the comparison of the space system-conventional steel unit weights (kg/m2) at 15 m spans and 33 meter spans reveals the economy provided by the use of space systems in a clear way.

2- Comparison of steel behavior between space frame system and conventional system in bidirectional spans.

Nowadays, bidirectional spans are preferred for less column use. For example, using standard loads, the space frame system can be solved with a unit weight of 20 kg/m2 in axle width of 22 m x 22 m. However, the unit weight of conventional steel structure in the same axle width will be 40 kg/m2. The increased steel weight will increase the cost of the roof at the same time together with the cost of the bottom sub-structure.

With lightweight and safe space frame systems, both more economical and safer roofs can be designed. The spans-space system steel consumption diagram up to 50 m with Altinyaldiz Space Frame Systems is shaped as below:

The use of a space frame system in buildings provides economy, as well as architectural flexibility and fast manufacturing + assembly, in all kinds of projects. Fully prefabricated space frame system materials minimize possible errors under site conditions. Altinyaldiz, as a pioneer and leading company in the space frame system industry, contributes to the Turkish industry and the industrial development of our country in this sense.

A. Sonay ERGÜL